Funky Fringe

The past two weeks I’ve been putzing. I feel like I haven’t accomplished a lot. I did finish all three MD scarfs…and true to form, I like the last one In the series the best…the one where I used up a bunch of bobbins… I think it’s rather a manly colored scarf…and yes, I know, colors do not have genders…anyway I was showing these three scarfs to some folks and a petite, delicate, Gorgeous young woman picked up that scarf, wrapped it around her neck and said “ this one is mine! I love this scarf!…Honestly, that happens all the time…I should know better than to assign genders to my weavings. And maybe I should do more with this autumn jewel toned color way.

Oh! But I was at Costco and they have begun to put out their Christmas stuff…and I was able to get another roll of ribbon..I had used mine up and I have been waiting to get a replacement roll…I use this ribbon instead of pinning a measuring tape to the edge of my weaving…it’s really handy and inexpensive. I use a fine tip sharpie to make notes on the tape before I weave and sometimes as I weave, so I can make the ends match if I need to…

I’ve finished two hats

I did a warp from hell for a set of two shawls I’ve had in the back of my mind. I used a scarf pattern from handwoven, but widened the warp to a shawl width, used up some linen bobbins I had on hand, so the twill stripes were varying widths, used up an entire cone of linen with 3 feet to spare…and proceeded to weave one shawl. I had broken threads maybe every 6inches, especially along one edge. Then I figured out I needed to advance my warp more often. I wove it with silk. I think it’s okay…now I’m trying to put felted balls on the fringe…so it’s going to be a bit of a funky type of shawl…I hope it sells! Certainly someone is going to like it… I think…

It’s slow going weaving these shawls…and equally slow to affix the felted balls onto the fringe but I will get it done!

The next shawl will have stripes using these purple colors…all 30/2 silk…the first two purples are from red fish dyeing…I got them at an estate sale, the dark lavender gray I dyed and the purple cone is from webs. So we will see how this turns out

My friend Gabriela gave me an entire shopping bag of small balls of Hand spun yarn! Look at all these colors!

Most of it is from old SOAR workshops, but there were 13 tiny balls of leftover sock yarn. So I cast on a Mobius cowl from the Magical Knitting book by Cat Borhies. I think I’d better save this knitting for my trip to Alaska, but it’s cast on and really easy, mindless knitting and a good use of those little yarn balls!

I still don’t have a project warp for my 8 harness Macomber loom. I’m thinking of a warp 15.5 inches wide, 6 feet long. That’s enough for 5 32 inch cowls that I could sew into mobius circle. And I could do that and use up all my tencil bobbins that have collected or all my blue green and black zephyr bobbins in my jar…but what I really want to weave is a funky green, cream, tan, purple plaid with bits of twill and bits of plain weave. I think that’s what I’m leaning towards….

So my goals for the coming week are:

Finish doing the fringe of blue shawl

Weave purple shawl

Design the draft and Wind the warp for the funky plaid

Sew in the ends for the blue hat and

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